Proof of the Spherical Nature of the movement of the Heavens
The construction of a device using polished metal, stones, poles and ropes

A novel & explanation: The Broken Stone

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1: Design Principles of the Hinge (part 1)


A hinge around a pole (a polar axis) allows the sun to focus light to the end of the pole. This works if the hinge is set at the same angle as the solar plane (which varies by +/- 23.5 degrees by season). The centre of the spherically arranged mirrors is set to the centre of the hinge.
The mirrors are fixed and do not have to be particularly good (almost any polished metal would suffice). The first record of mirrors dates to about 6000 BC.
The second part of the video shows one of the 'series 4' prototype tests. For ease, the spherical centre was set at a low position for the prototype tests.

The Book:
The Broken Stone; and the secret of the Heavens' Henge
The Blog:

* All rights reserved. All images, photographs and other image types copyright of the author. Except for the quotation of brief passages in criticism, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. The Author asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work. Some portions of this work contain patented material. Some of the features described are patent pending, some are subject to registered design and/or other forms of intellectual property registration. All photographic images & video on this site are real and unedited. All CGI images & video are generated from a precise three dimensional CAD model of a structure designed to show the spherical nature of the heavens.